June 29, 2010

Tuesday Coolsday - Nancy Wentzel

Every Tuesday, I will feature a Louisville artist whose work I admire.

Nancy Wentzel - Painter

Over the weekend, I popped into a local Highlands gallery, Swanson Reed, and discovered a new favorite local artist. As a sucker for impressionism and vibrant colors, I was immediately attracted to her lush, lively landscapes scattered about the gallery space.

Her "streetscapes" feature rows of small homes with porches perfect for late evening chats with neighbors and sipping lemonade. "Mellwood Ave" struck the nostalgia chord with me having grown up on a similar street just a few blocks away. There were a few in the gallery that looked like my favorite grand brick homes here in the Highlands, unfortunately they do not seem to be up on her site.

Please go to Nancy's website to see more of her work, and head to Swanson Reed on Bardstown to get up close and personal with her beautiful paintings.

June 9, 2010

New Albanian Vase Growler

new albanian growler vase

Over Memorial Day weekend, I spent a lovely afternoon sipping on New Albanian Brewing Co's Hoptimus at the Bank Street Brewhouse in New Albany, IN. The clever girls there were using New Albanian growlers as vases for some pretty wildflowers. Ah, summer and beer, they always go together. And in so many delightful ways.

Cat Scott - Louisville Graphic Designer and Illustrator

June 8, 2010

Tuesday Coolsday - Kalla Studios

Every Tuesday, I will feature a Louisville artist whose work I admire.

Kristen Reinhart Davis - Kalla Studios - Silversmith and Jewelry Maker

This week, I have the pleasure of introducing you to another talented craftswoman I met at the Buy Local First Fair a few weekends ago. I was attracted to the beauty and craft of her pieces, particularly the skill involved in her tree pieces. Having been a silversmith and silver instructor back in the day, I fully appreciated the skill and patience one needs with a jeweler's saw.

Upon visiting her Kalla Studios Etsy Shop, I learned that she only uses silver that is recycled or was mined ethically. She also uses a lot of recycled material in her work like the recycled glass in her Drop Pendant necklace (bottom, right).

Learn more about Kristen and her traditional artisan techniques over at her website, www.KallaStudios.com.

June 3, 2010

Folder circa 1994

Another busy week; totally forgot about Tuesday Coolsday. I'll be back in the groove next week. In the meantime, here's a gem I found at my mom's house last weekend. This was a folder of mine from grade school, probably around 1994 or 1995 (7th grade). I was getting into music so I doodled lots lyrics that would be stuck in my head during class. Recognize some oldies in there?

I was inspired to post this after seeing Gail Anderson's "My Best Work" article in How Magazine. While my folder is not nearly impressive (I like to think it is because she was a few years older when she made hers), it's still fun to see that great designers doodled about music during class just like me.

Don't worry teachers, we already learned that when you doodle, you remember more.


Cat Scott

P.S. Please be gentle about the stickers. There was a big smiley face thing going on in my generation...remember this poster?

Cat Scott - Louisville Graphic Designer and Illustrator