January 5, 2010

Tuesday Coolsday: Philip Burke

I don't remember if I first discovered Philip Burke in my copy of "The Illustrated Portraits," or gracing the pages of my own Rolling Stone, but I do know that the first time I saw his paintings I was hooked.

As a student of illustration, I was doing a lot of caricatures.  Some caricature artists take the time to push and pull different features in many versions, but Burke's work seems more spontaneous and lively, like it was all done in one impression. His exaggerations are fierce and his use of color just jumps off the page at you.

These paintings are as big as I am and sell for more than I hope to make in my entire career.  But what's cooler is that his paintings hang in the homes of his subjects - that is a true honor. He is a lucky man whom I admire quite a bit.

His gallery's site is located here:  LB Madison

For more info, better writing, and links, visit Charley Parker's write-up on Burke at Lines and Colors

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